Reconstruction Rail Schunting Yard Onnen Zuid
8 February 2022
On behalf of ProRail, StruktonRail is upgrading the shunting yard of NS Maintenance Company Onnen. Gedin advises and supports StruktonRail in the field of Project Management.
Gedin Engineering & Shunting Yard Onnen-South
Near the village of Onnen, just below Groningen, there is a maintenance station of NedTrain, the maintenance company of the Dutch Railways (NS). Passenger trains are cleaned and maintained in this maintenance station. Below this maintenance station is a shunting yard which is outdated and therefore in need of an upgrade. ProRail has put a Design & Construct contract on the market for this, which has been accepted by StruktonRail.
StruktonRail is designing and (re)constructing the new yard in Onnen-Zuid. Gedin B.V. is responsible for project management on behalf of StruktonRail.
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